Hosting Services

TeMix is now offering TeMix RATES™, the TeMix Platform™, TeMix Agent™ and TeMix Interface™ commercially, initially on Microsoft Azure™ cloud services, along with training, consulting, and support.

Applications of these tools can range from transactive tariffs for electric vehicle charging and behind the meter storage, residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural subscription transactive tariff pilots and full-scale deployments.

TeMix can host these TeMix products and services virtually anywhere in the world and remotely support them and the prime movers, partners, and participants.


The middle row shows the tendered retail electricity price in $/kWh for the next 5-minute, 15-minute and one-hour intervals up to the last hour of tomorrow. The start time for each interval is shown in the top row. The prices use current wholesale California ISO locational prices for the Moorpark Southern California Edison transmission substation augmented by scarcity prices for distribution, resource adequacy and flexible resource adequacy based on an experimental tariff. The bottom row shows the forecasted marginal Lbs of CO2 or Green House Gases (GHG) released per kWh for the same intervals. The CHG estimates are from The ticker automatically updates from time to time based on the California ISO publication schedule.